SEO Information Online



Use a meaningful page title in the tag

Keep HTML markup semantic and simple

Avoid tables except for showing tabular data.

Avoid reliance on images: use ALT tags describing an image’s content for both 508 compliance (for the visually impaired) and for search engines

Use background images rather than images in the markup to represent a site’s name or page’s title. 


Cut down on unnecessary markup that serves no meaningful text content; use CSS or Javascript to manage the page’s presentation. 

Maintain good page structure with headings being hierarchical and properly used (ex. H1 > H2 > H3)

Try to place most of the page’s main content towards the top, just below the page’s title.

Make sure pages are as standards-compliant and accessible as possible. 

SEO is a set of web best practice techniques that allows the information you publish on your website (web content) to be discovered and understood. It is then ranked against similar websites on search engines like Google, Bing etc. 

SEO is about understanding how people use search engines so that your website is front and centre when they search for your product or service. It's also about understanding how search engines interact with your website and what they look for when ranking websites. 

It's useful to remember that search engines apply rankings to web pages by matching the relevance of the web page to the search term used. By making your web content more relevant to your customer's needs compared to other websites, you'll have a better chance of appearing at the top.

When setting up your website, consider the following points to ensure your website has the best chance of ranking well.

Add new content to your website weekly and update content on your pages at least once every six months. This could be information about a new product or service you're selling, a customer story, new images or removing content that is no longer relevant.

Refreshing your content encourages search engines to visit your website more often. The more frequently they visit, the faster they're able to discover new content on your website. You may even see some rankings benefits!

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